I kept thinking about my own experience with mission statement formation. I am fortunate to have been involved in the formulation process of this definitive declaration with a few different groups and businesses. I have learned how important each word choice is in the overall final proclamation, since Mission Statements will normally become assessable to the public, who will read it with their own voice and immediately attach an expectation to it. These expectations stem from the fact that the statement becomes like a promise. Since it directly comes from the people, group or business that plans to achieve some form of a goal- their measure of successfully fulfilling their promises will come from the people they serve or interact with.
For every session of CUL 295- Contemporary Dining and Cuisine the class is required to decide on a mission statement together, and then agree that it states everything they plan to complete in the final semester before graduation. This mission statement will become apart of the printed menu so it is visible to all restaurant patrons who dine at our restaurant. It will be required that we know and understand this assertion in the case of a test question in reference to it intricacies too. It ultimately should become something like a mantra for all of us, as we practice teamwork at its best and emerge into our roles as future chefs.
**I started to think that this might be a great opportunity to create my own Mission Statement. Except First... What does the word mission mean and what does it mean to me??
noun \ˈmi-shən\Definition of MISSION
: a body of persons sent to perform a service or carry on an activity: as : a specific task with which a person or a group is charged
: a preestablished and often self-imposed objective or purpose mission>
Mission statement- January 18, 2011 for Stephanie:
With a Heart full of Ambition and a constant smile- I will practice Honesty, Humbleness, Happiness, Healthy Choices, be a Willing Helper, Always Hopeful, and stay full of Humility.
direct, and defining...