Me and my cocoa- Oh the things I can make with this!
Internship- Black Star Farms
Steph Sheffer
Week 3
This week it is all about the baking!
I love this new characteristic of my job. One important aspect of both the Inn and the Hearth and Vine Cafe is the fresh baked goods that we offer. I am not allowed to do anything in the yeasted breads category, including laminated dough’s since Jen does these types of breads in the Brick Oven for Nine Bean Rows on a daily basis and we use her products. I am allowed to make cookies, brownies, coffee cakes, quick breads and muffins of all kinds, and my most favorites, Macaroons!
My beautiful Baked goods!
cookies ready and set out for hospitality for our guests
I am turning into the go-to girl for most of these items and I am having a lot of fun with it. I even got to make some special requests when the Sysco order was put in this week for certain items that would help me put out even more delicious products. I am learning to fit in my baking tasks with my responsibilities that are growing with Breakfast. Chef Jon has given me a key now so I am taking over doing breakfasts more frequently. My first solo breakfast without supervision was this week, twice!
Strawberry Waffles Stack with Pork sausage
Spinach quiche with Tomato Chutney, Bacon and Goat cheese
I also found out that I got a raise too! Apparently it is the fastest one ever, though I just think they wanted to make sure I was a good fit before paying me the higher rate. Either way I am thrilled. How wonderful to be paid for doing everything that I love. I am realizing very quickly that my dreams are becoming a reality and that becoming a chef is truly the right choice for me. I can see so many outlets for me to pursue through Blackstar farms and beyond that I sometimes don’t know where to begin. For now I will stay focused, since I still have a lot to learn and Blackstar is turning out to be a great foundation for my hopeful future success in this industry.