A verse that showed up on my Daily Bible Verse on Facebook:
The word of God breathes out and I breathe in- completely wrecked by how the spirit of God can communicate perfect soul penetrating words from the scriptures. Everything comes into focus, clarity of mind, revelations of infinite proportions, and once again I have no doubt that there is a plan for my life. All I have to do is trust, heighten my level of faith and fearlessly step forward. There are a thousand opportunities in front of me now, and awakening to this truth gives me a deep sense of hope. A transformation has taken place in my heart and mind and I am no longer going to worry about what lies ahead, but take each step forward confidently- knowing that if I ask for guidance- it may not come in the form I expect, but my plea will be heard and answered.
There has been an uncertainty placed before me recently this week and it was one that initially made me very sad. Thankfully that way of thinking is like a bacteria to my human system. Damaging emotions detected and then blasted with antibodies to remove and replace with healthy emotions once again. My optimistic tendencies quickly turned my frown upside down and once again hope was gently restored. Yet, I still questioned, "what am I to do now?"
Administering my own therapy techniques I went to my husband first- who most dependably reassured me that everything was gonna be alright. Somehow his hugs and loving way that he shares his compassion are always enough to start me back out on the right track towards persevering a bump in the road. Next I called my Mom. I mean isn't that something we all instinctively do anyways? Like Sunshine and water to a plant, her careful listening and understanding agreements just nourished me on my journey towards achieving a brighter outlook.
What I should have done first comes to me now in hindsight: "Give it to God babe- he has a plan, and why do you always think you have to control everything." Oh how I am thankful for Tod and my Mom though- they are definitely the catalyst in this new journey I have encountered. Clarity of purpose, unafraid of the unknown, ready to boldly shed my scales of conformity and reveal a new self- Here we go again, but now I am ready, excited for all the challenges and rewards that await me in the future. Bring on those crazy bumps in the road, my proverbial suspension is tough enough to handle it!