All I have to say is that I get it now- No really I do! It all came to me while sitting in the veterinarian exam room with Libby our cat. The same room, ( I am sure they didn't realize it, they are all so nice there) that Sydney my precious Dog passed away in 4 months ago. I was fighting the urge to feel sad when I looked up at the wall behind me for something to read. I was searching for some Heartguard chewable poster or an animal pharmacy company ad with all the reasons I should protect my pet from fleas and ticks. What I found was a sweet story about a family who had lost their dog as told by Dr. Seuss. The story was inspiring, but what really got me was the final quote:
"Do what you say, and say what you mean, because the people that mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind."
Plain and simple words to live by, truth and honesty and no fear of what people will think. I just wanted to share this little tidbit with you all, that had such an amazing impact on my way of thinking :)
BY the way CSA Farms ROCK!