Something to Savor

Sunset over the Sheffer Household in Autumn
Nothing in the entire wide world of edible possibilities could possibly compare to the golden treasure I retrieved from my oven this evening. In all its simply naked glory, with only a dusting of cinnamon and a drizzle of sweet honey, my treasure from the downtown farmers market, an acorn squash about the size of a football delivered a sensation of happiness I had been in need of desperately all day, maybe even all week long! I actually flirted with this beautiful miracle of earth's bounty during last Saturday morning's stroll through the market. I walked by the squash, picked it up and asked the farmer how much, and then set it down and walked away thinking I still needed to see what everyone else had to offer first. Maybe I would find something at a better price.... 10 minutes later I was on a mission to get back to that first stand as fast as I could, hoping someone else hadn't discovered my jewel. The farmer smiled upon my return, and even mentioned that he knew I would be back. Apparently he had sensed our connection before I had been able to finally comprehend it myself. So I picked up my prize and took it home, and for an entire week it sat on my counter top, the sight of it reminding me daily how eager I was to taste the golden flesh it had concealed underneath its velvety green and orange skin.
And then tonight I walked in my house, turned up the oven to 375 and prepared that lovely orb to be my dinner. My locally grown and harvested, beautiful creation from sun, soil and water quite easily fulfilled all my fantasies of what I wanted to savor and enjoy. My week has had a lot of ups and downs and somehow just taking this one thing, this thing that was all mine and taking the time to enjoy it was exactly what I needed to reset my mood, my emotions, my outlook for the days ahead. Keeping it simple, is once again all I need to do. Everything is what it is, the world doesn't stop producing for what we need- it is recognizing this and then quietly being appreciative for what God has allowed me to have and finding peace it this truth. I am thankful for my jewel of the earth, so yummy and perfect food for the soul!